Benefits of Membership
United Physicians (UP) serves as a comprehensive business resource to physicians. Membership in a large and strong physician organization will be increasingly important to doctors given the fundamental transformations underway in healthcare. These changes present substantial challenges to the way doctors practice medicine and need to be effectively addressed to protect the interests and autonomy of private doctors.
Members of UP are:
- Part of an integrated network of credentialed physicians.
- Participating in equitable agreements with health plans with significant opportunities for incentives. United Physicians participates with the largest health plans and managed care organizations in Southeast Michigan.
- Aware that a physician-led organization is advocating on behalf of its physicians, in relation to health plans, hospitals or ancillary providers and serves as a steward for the private practice of medicine.
- Open to receiving assistance with implementation of clinical integration, patient registries, electronic medical records, e-prescribing, meaningful use, and HIPAA-compliant communication between physician practices.
- Willing to accept assistance with demonstrating quality and compliance through accountability and sound medical management tools and practices, which translates to eligibility for increased reimbursement, incentives and other value based programs with payers.
- Part of an organization where over 1,800 of our physicians participate in BCBSM’s PGIP program, and 159 practices are PCMH designated.
- Provided with access to value-added services and comprehensive business resources such as group purchasing and vaccine purchasing programs to improve the financial performance of your practice.
- Able to access educational and networking opportunities for themselves and their employees through Physician Leadership Meetings, Office Manager Forums and specialized programs such as specialty steering committees.
- Part of one of the largest physician organizations in the state, with more than 2,400 members providing primary and specialty care.